Tricks To Please A Woman Book by Jay Wiseman
$17,99 $22

A buffet of tasty sex tricks guaranteed to make any woman come back for more! This handy volume includes the best of Jay's Tricks for pleasing a woman from the popular Tricks series, including new information for more pleasure, based on recent research into female anatomy, all the newest sex toys and accessories, sexy, tasteful illustrations. Knee Whee The backs of knees, particularly women's, are a highly erotic part of the body. Stimulation here corresponds in intensity with direct genital stimulation. One woman told me she could reach a powerful, trembling orgasm by having the backs of her knees licked. <br /><br />Jay Wiseman has over 30 years of experience in human sexuality and was one of the early pioneers and builders of the alternative sexuality community in the San Francisco area. He continues to be heavily involved, both in his local area and nationally, as a sexuality author, educator, mentor, workshop leader, expert witness, and activist. A former ambulance crewman with years of experience, and holder of one of the highest awards for lifesaving action. He has spoken nationally on erotic bondage, on negotiating sexual behaviors, and on sexual safety, and has taught hundreds of first aid and CPR classes both inside and outside of the sexuality communities.
Weight: 1 Manufacturer: SCB Distributors
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